Ep. 33: The Crux of Clean Coal

President Donald Trump loves coal. He has given dozens of speeches saying, “My administration is putting an end to the war on coal. We’re going to have clean coal, really clean coal.” But what actually is clean coal? Depending who you ask, it could be a historical reference, a fantasy or an evolving technology.

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Trump on Earth
Ep. 21: Can We Talk About Climate Change Now?

Increasingly sophisticated climate science is able to tell us a lot more about the role climate change is playing in extreme weather events. But while Hurricane Irma was bearing down on South Florida last week, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt said now is not the time to talk about climate change and its impacts on these terrifying storms. So if not now, when? 

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Trump on Earth
Ep. 16: And Environmental Justice For All?

In this episode of Trump on Earth, we talk with environmental justice lawyer Lisa Garcia, who was senior adviser to the administrator for Environmental Justice at the EPA during the Obama Administration. Garcia explains just what environmental justice is, why we need it, and how she plans to keep fighting the good fight in spite of the cuts.

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Trump on Earth