The President's pick for Head Scientist at USDA is the latest example of politics trumping science.
Read MoreWhile the world has been paying attention to President Trump's action on immigration and health care, his administration has been steadily reshaping environmental policy. But how far has it gotten? And what can we expect out of Washington in the coming months?
Read MoreIncreasingly sophisticated climate science is able to tell us a lot more about the role climate change is playing in extreme weather events. But while Hurricane Irma was bearing down on South Florida last week, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt said now is not the time to talk about climate change and its impacts on these terrifying storms. So if not now, when?
Read MoreWho are the people who gave Trump their votes? And where does their vision for the environment come from?
Read MoreWhat is the future of renewable energy under Donald Trump? Are recent gains made by solar and wind in jeopardy? Or has the momentum these industries have gained over the past eight years made them borderline unstoppable?
Read MoreWhy don't conservatives believe climate change is real? Former GOP Congressman Bob Inglis has some answers. . . and a plan to get them to.
Read MoreThe Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funds projects that protect and restore the largest system of fresh surface water in the world. Can it be saved?
Read MoreIn this episode of Trump on Earth, we talk with environmental justice lawyer Lisa Garcia, who was senior adviser to the administrator for Environmental Justice at the EPA during the Obama Administration. Garcia explains just what environmental justice is, why we need it, and how she plans to keep fighting the good fight in spite of the cuts.
Read MoreTrump fulfilled one of his biggest campaign promises in taking the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord. But is pulling out really doing very much besides telling the world what the world should already know?
Read MorePresident Trump’s proposed 2,000-mile long, 30-foot high border wall would obstruct more than just a pretty landscape. It could bring an end to the species that live in the lush coastal grasslands, searing hot deserts, and staggering mountain peaks in the path of the wall.
Read MoreMore than one-third of the country is federally-owned. That means it belongs to all of us -- the public. But that also gives the President a lot of power over these places. Today we’re taking a closer look at what’s at stake, and what we can expect next for our public lands.
Read MoreSomewhere between 97 and 99 percent of scientists are convinced by the evidence that climate change is real, human caused, and a problem. But at a recent hearing held by the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, only 25 percent of the witnesses reflected that position: Michael Mann.
Read MoreRecent actions by the Trump Administration have scientists fired up. Many are asking if the federal government is now anti-science. Three scientists explain why they are speaking out.
Read MoreLast week — to the surprise of no one — Donald Trump issued an executive order to begin dismantling the Clean Power Plan. But the country's keystone rule on climate change isn't dead yet.
Read MoreOn everything from climate to coal to the weirdness at the EPA, we take a look at what we've learned so far — and what to expect next.
Read MoreIn Trump's big push to trim government regulations, could key protections for food safety be next on the chopping block?
Read MoreTrumpism may not be the most coherent of political philosophies. But when White House strategist Steve Bannon recently told a crowd of conservative activists that one of their major goals is “deconstruction of the administrative state,” he brought into focus a theme that may very well come to define a large part of the Trump era. In fact, we’re already starting to see it take shape at the Environmental Protection Agency.
Read MoreOn everything from healthcare to immigration, President Trump has been busy doing 180s on Obama-era policy. This week, he set his sights on a controversial expansion of the Clean Water Act known as the Waters of the U.S. Rule, or WOTUS. But pulling the plug might not be so easy.
Read MoreThere are still chapters to be written in the larger fight over the Dakota Access pipeline. But as of Thursday, the months-long protest encampment at Standing Rock is no more. So what have we learned? And could the historic protest be a prelude to larger national conversations on energy, Native American sovereignty and climate change?
Read MoreIf the first three weeks are any guide, expect the U.S. court system to be busier than ever in the Trump era. And that may mean Trump’s pick for Supreme Court could be key in deciding the fate of major shifts in policy — including on the environment.
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